Hello December!

As predicted, I am behind on my advent gift wrapping. Somehow, even with plenty of warning, December crept up on me. You know how it is, you're walking along, best laid plans in hand when, SQUIRREL! (or in my case, "oooo, shiny!")

So now I'm making up new traditions, like "we only open advent gifts once a week b/c it makes it more special" (and gives me a minute to breathe.)


Seriously though, December is hard enough—getting through the family obligations, the missed days of work & figuring out how to pay the end-of-year bills in addition to buying extra stuff and wrapping it just because that's what Jesus or Yeshua would want? Yeah, I might have that a little twisted, or I might be going to hell, but... look! shiny!

In that vein, I started a $0 Christmas board over on Pinterest. Just some ideas for free or nearly free gifts to make from the detritus around your home. I won't go so far as to suggest you felt laundry dryer lint into dolls, but there you go, that's an option—although they may look more like little golems, all grey and creepy. But, to each her own.

And since this is not my first horse and pony show, you might want to check out a couple of my older blogs, in which I share eerily brilliant gifting and holiday decorating ideas:

101 Handmade Gift Ideas  +  Christmas on a Budget

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