10 Things We Do to Consistently Save Money

By now you've seen every blog post there is about how to save money. Like me, you've probably even cycled through the same money saving sites more than a few times. And, like me, the money saving habits you initially adopted are so second hat by now that you've probably forgotten that they're still saving you money.

At this point in my frugalness, I need to be reminded of those things. I need to be reminded that, even though I'm trying to save more money than I did last month, I'm still saving more money than I was last year.

The Headache of Fixing Our Leaky Shower Pan Ourselves (with Pictures)

For the past year I've known that our shower pan was leaking. We have a one-story house with a crawl space. And had that crawl space not had plastic lining laid, I may've never known—at least, not until the floor caved in, or we tried to sell the house.

$200 Budget Laundry Room Re-do

You'd think after the disastrous shower pan re-do that we would never tackle another home remodel project again. That's what you'd think. (That's what I thought).... Silly rabbit.

Turns out that, after the bathroom re-do, both the kitchen and laundry room were a mess. Awash, if you will, with all of my tools and detritus from the shower pan project.

Thinking that the laundry room would be a nice, easy, contained space to revamp. I set my sights on it. I mean the room is only 81 inches square— bigger than the shower enclosure, but I wouldn't be tearing up the floor (or tiling) this time, so... easy peasy! (right?)

Two Major Financial Set Backs

This summer has been rough on us financially. First, we realized we could no longer put off repairing the leaky shower pan, so endeavored to take on the work ourselves. Then we had a pet emergency that blew most of our emergency savings.