Freakin' Polar Vortex

Yeah, to say that it's really cold out goes beyond the responsive 'no duh' statement. But to say that it's cold in my house, well, that's just me being whiny. Honestly, it is taking all of my reserves to not bump up the heat an extra few degrees—I've told myself that if it gets to the point that I'm wearing a hat, gloves, and a scarf inside, only then can I inch that thermostat a wee bit closer to the 69 degree mark. (Why did I not move into a house with a working fireplace?)—and for the record, we've only reached scarf level.

All self-criticism aside, I'm trying to keep my mind off the windchills by planning my Spring garden. I got a jump on my seed ordering (for fear that Baker Creek would run out of some of the more interesting varietals), and received my seed order a couple of weeks ago. It has remained, sitting on the counter in the mailer since then. You know how it goes. You get excited about something and then stuff happens, like a crowd that comes along and sweeps you away with hands outstretched as you reach for your now disappearing free time. "But my seeeeeeeeeeds!" you scream, followed by a hollow "my seeds" whisper as you realize you're not gonna' be seeing them for awhile.


You'd Think This Post Would Be About Keeping Warm, but no...

Clearly, if we want to stay warm, we need to be heading to the Mexican border. I'd make a wall joke, but at this point it'd be more sad than funny. Still, Mexico sounds pretty good right now.

If I were really on it, this post would talk about all the little tricks we use to keep the house warm when it's so cold out—like propping the oven door open after I bake something, or running the dryer at night when the house is the coldest. Or closing off rooms that we're not using. Or even talking about the rice-filled heating pads that we use to warm up our hands (and feet). But I am SO not that organized. (sorry.)

Grocery Store Score

Instead, I wanted to tell you about my big score at the grocery store. (I know, totally anti-climactic, but whatev.) My week hasn't been all that exciting, so a trip to the grocery store is the best I can do. I went because I forgot to get butter. That's all. Just butter. It was to be the fastest in & out trip to the grocery store ever. Except—I thought I should just do a drive-by to check out the produce re-wrap shelf.

Mushrooms & Herbs, Oh My

I don't know what it is about cold weather and mushrooms, but people just aren't into them.

Every time I've gone to the store in the past month, there have been a slew of re-wrapped shitake, portobello, and mixed mushrooms (normally $4-$6 a package), priced at $1 each. I've been buying them up and freezing them. They're perfect for homemade mushroom soup, mushroom stroganoff, wild rice & mushroom casserole, etc. (Total score.)

This week, not only did I score more mushrooms, but I scored a ton of fresh herbs (usually priced at $3 a package, on sale for 50¢ each). I brought them home and pulled out my cheap-o dehydrator and am drying them for long-term storage. (Not only that, but the house smells amazing.)

So, yeah, it's not sexy. And, unless you hold your hands over the little hole at the top of the dehydrator, it's not going to keep you warm. But sometimes saving money is just that pedestrian.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to hold my hands over the dehydrator, 'cuz I'm freakin' cold. (Where's my hat?)

xo all,

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